Register for Training
If you are a new or current employee in the Ohio Balance of State Continuum of Care or the Mahoning County Continuum of Care who needs to complete HMIS New User Training, please fill out the form below, selecting HMIS New User Training.
If your agency has blocked the use of Google applications and you are unable to use the form below, please email the HMIS Help Desk at
Permanent Supportive Housing: Compliance, Coordinated Entry, and More! – training presentation (May 2, 2018)
Permanent Supportive Housing: Compliance, Coordinated Entry, and More! – training recording (May 2, 2018)
FAQs (May 2, 2018)
Rapid Re-Housing Refresher Training – training presentation (February 18, 2025)
Rapid Re-Housing Refresher Training – training recording (February 18, 2025)
Permanent Supportive Housing Forms
Verification of Homelessness, Chronic Homelessness, and Eligibility Packet (PSH)
Forms for Rapid Re-Housing
Verification of Homelessness and Eligibility Packet (RRH)
RRH Income Calculation and Eligibility Determination Tool
Forms for All Project Types
Housing Habitability Standards Checklist
Housing Stability Plan
Lead-Based Paint Requirements and Inspection Form
Rent Reasonableness Checklist