COHHIO’s New E-Learning Course Opportunity

COHHIO is happy to announce the launch of our new E-Learning course: “Understanding Homelessness 101.”

The purpose of “Understanding Homelessness 101” is to provide employees within the homeless system with a basic understanding of the laws, definitions, and systems that govern our work. The course covers the history of homelessness, HUD’s four categories of the homelessness definition, homeless project types, the basics of coordinated entry, HIC, PIT, HMIS, and other important elements of the homeless system. 

The course contains six modules.

  • The course takes about two hours to complete.
  • Employees can start and stop this training at any time. 
  • We invite Program Directors and Managers to use this course as part of new employee onboarding.
  • We have created a guidance document with best practices for implementing e-learning in employee training programs.

This e-learning course can be accessed by creating an account in our E-Learning Center.

Instructions on how to create an account in COHHIO’s E-Learning Center, and how existing users within the E-Learning Center can enroll in the course can be found here.

To create a new user account in our E-Learning Center and sign up for the course “Understanding Homelessness 101”:
  1. Go to to create an account
  2. Enter your user information. Under the Code field enter: UH101
  3. You’ll receive an email with a link to setup your account.
  4. After logging in, the course will be listed on your E-Learning Center homepage in the “My Training” box under the “Not Started” tab.
For those who already have an account within COHHIO’s E-Learning Center:
  1. Login to
  2. On the menu, click Content Library.
  3. Locate the course listing for Understanding Homelessness 101. Click the listing.
  4. Click the Start Course button on the Course page.

If you have any questions, please reach out to

Training Materials