Housing Ohio 2024 Materials

The conference kicked off Tuesday morning with a plenary presentation from Leah Rothstein, a national housing policy expert and co-author of “Just Action.” Her new book is the follow up to “The Color of Law,” which her father Richard Rothstein wrote to challenge the de facto segregation myth that claims Black and White Americans just live in separate neighborhoods by choice. Leah discussed how people in communities throughout the United States are taking concrete action to challenge historical patterns of housing segregation and strive for a more just and equitable future.

The conference continued on Wednesday morning with a panel discussion featuring three powerhouse advocates: Ann Oliva, president of the National Alliance to End Homelessness, Diane Yentel, CEO/President of the National Low Income Housing Coalition, and COHHIO’s Executive Director Amy Riegel. Ann, Diane and Amy shared insights on how we can work together to push for better housing and homelessness policies in the halls of Congress, the Whitehouse, the Statehouse, and city halls throughout Ohio.

The Housing Ohio conference is made possible with major support from the Ohio Capital Corporation for Housing, the Ohio Department of Development, and Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services.

Workshop Documents
Trapped: The Realities of Rural Poverty Part One; Part Two
Aligning Our Priorities for Aging Ohioans: Housing & Homelessness Policy Solutions Presentation
Social Security, Implicit Bias, Homelessness & Legal System Involvement Presentation
Overcoming NIMBY Opposition Presentation
Street Outreach Presentation
Supportive Housing 101 Presentation
Intersection of Harm Reduction & Housing First Part One; Part Two; Part Three; Part Four
SOAR Ohio Panel Discussion NA
Affordable Housing for Homeless Services Providers Presentation
Master Leasing Presentation
Criminalization of Homelessness NA
Beyond Surviving to Thriving: Strategies to Support Youth Experiencing Homelessness NA
Public Policy Advocacy Workshop NA
DenverĀ Basic Income Project Presentation
Anti-LGBTQ+ Legislation and its Effects on Homelessness Presentation
The Role of Youth in Leading the YHDP work Presentation
Fostering Emotional Regulation & Coping Skills in Homeless Children & Youth NA
Direct Services and Trauma Informed Approach: Radical Compassion Presentation
Overcoming the Hurdles: Breaking Down the Homeownership & Wealth Gap Presentation
Learning from the Disability Community: What Can We Do Better? NA
Housing is Built with Ballots: Planning Your Nonpartisan Voter Engagement Campaign Presentation
Closing the Gap: Reentry to Housing Presentation
Community Development Tools for Creating Affordable Housing Presentation
Homelessness 101: Forest Fires & Elephants Presentation
State Agency Directors Panel Presentation
Direct Cash Transfer in Ohio Presentation
Medical Respite/Care Coordination Pilot Project Presentation
Serving Survivors of Domestic Violence Experiencing Homelessness Presentation
Trauma Informed, Anti-Oppressive Practices in the delivery of Youth Services Presentation
The Unconference: Reimaging a Response to Homelessness NA