Bill’s Spring Update

We’ve received a lot of calls recently from legislators and their staffers asking for guidance to respond to homeless constituents seeking assistance. We connect them to local homeless services, but [...]

Bill’s Spring Update2019-05-24T15:39:53-04:00

Spring News Clips

Homelessness and the affordable housing shortage - and the potential for policymakers to actually do something about these problems - have appeared in the news a lot lately. Here's a [...]

Spring News Clips2019-05-24T15:31:50-04:00

OHTF Statehouse Build

Team COHHIO donned hardhats and spent May Day with Habitat for Humanity building a home on the Statehouse lawn - a great place to spotlight the need to do more [...]

OHTF Statehouse Build2019-05-02T12:24:14-04:00

Breaking Ground Newsletter

February 2019 Registration for the Housing Ohio 2019 conference is now open. Register now to get the early bird discount! With all the noise about walls, government shutdowns and national [...]

Breaking Ground Newsletter2019-02-19T21:57:08-05:00

Home Matters to Ohio Legislative Breakfast

COHHIO and partners in the Home Matters to Ohio coalition have officially launched our 2019 advocacy campaign to expand the Ohio Housing Trust Fund, the primary source of state funding [...]

Home Matters to Ohio Legislative Breakfast2019-02-19T14:19:45-05:00

Bill’s February Update

With all the noise about walls, government shutdowns and national emergencies, it was easy to miss the fact that Congress just increased funding for homeless and affordable housing programs for [...]

Bill’s February Update2019-02-19T14:52:57-05:00

In Other Developments – February 2019

While we spend a lot of time focusing on the growing shortage of affordable housing in Ohio, it's important to recognize that there are new developments and rehabilitation projects that [...]

In Other Developments – February 20192019-02-19T14:16:16-05:00

Register Now for Housing Ohio 2019

Registration for the Housing Ohio 2019 conference is now open! Please join us April 8-10 in Columbus for the 25th Anniversary Housing Ohio conference Click Here to Register This year [...]

Register Now for Housing Ohio 20192019-02-04T23:04:44-05:00
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