The Ohio Housing and Homelessness Collaborative is offering a webinar series between Nov. 30 and Dec. 19 entitled “Effective Strategies to End Homelessness in Ohio” in advance of the forthcoming publication of Ohio’s first statewide plan to end homelessness.

These webinar series will share best practices and effective strategies already being implemented in communities around the state to help reduce homelessness.  All webinars will be facilitated by Barbara Poppe, of Barbara Poppe and Associates, and Katie Kitchin, of the Corporation for Supportive Housing.

Webinar details are as follows:

  1. Nov. 30, 2017, Noon – 1:15 PM: Leveraging Partnerships in Healthcare to End Homelessness

Panelists will discuss effective partnerships among the homeless crisis response system, healthcare, mental health and addiction services to: 1) improve access to comprehensive health services and treatment; 2) provide health-related services in permanent supportive housing, transitional housing, emergency shelter, and outreach; and 3) understand how peer supports can be mobilized. Register here:

  1. Dec. 7, 2017, Noon – 1:15 PM: Using Federal Benchmarks and Criteria to Achieve a Functional End to Homelessness Across All Populations

Co-hosted with the US Interagency Council on Homelessness, Beverly Ebersold, Director of National Initiatives, will discuss how to use the Federal Benchmarks and Criteria. Speakers from Dayton and Akron will discuss how they achieved a functional end to homelessness among Veterans and how they are applying lessons learned to other sub-populations. Register here:

  1. Dec. 19, 2017, Noon – 1:15 PM: Building Partnerships with Department of Jobs and Family Services Agencies and Ohio Means Jobs’ One Stop Employment Centers to End Homelessness

Three communities will share how their homeless crisis response system has partnered with local DJFS offices, and OMJ centers to 1.) increase employment; 2.) increase access to benefits, childcare, and other services; and 3.) use TANF and PRC for flexible funding/services for families with children aimed at prevention, diversion and rapid exit from homelessness.

Register here: