Thank you for joining us for Thursday’s briefing on the federal funding freeze. We had nearly 500 participants, so we know there’s a lot of concern. You can download the presentation here. Below is a recap of key points and resources.

Now is the time to start building relationships with your members of Congress, who collectively have the power to prevent cuts that will exacerbate homelessness. Advocacy just worked. It will work again if we use this time wisely.

Reach out to your members of Congress to:

  • Describe how your agency helps their constituents overcome homelessness and get stably housed.
  • Ask your questions about how Trump’s EOs will affect your program funding. If they don’t have the answers, urge them to ask the administration.
  • Invite them to visit and see for themselves how federal assistance funds are helping to save lives in their districts.

Ohio has several Congressional members in particular who could play an important role in the process.

Ohio’s new senators (statewide):

Ohio’s Key House Members:

Contact your House member even if they aren’t on this list. They can still be helpful!

And please ask COHHIO’s Advocacy Director Gina Wilt or Advocacy and Policy Coordinator Elizabeth Martindale for advice and guidance if you need it, and let them know if you have meaningful interactions with members or their staff.

Thank you for the critical work you do in your community. And thank you for joining us to advocate for the right to continue doing that critical work.


Relevant Documents and Resources:

Background: On Jan. 28, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) sent a memo to federal agency leaders late on Tuesday telling them to stop disbursing funds while they review their programs for compliance with President Trump’s executive orders on immigration, DEI, LGBTQ+ protections, and other issues. OMB set a Feb. 10 deadline to report their findings.

After advocates mounted immediate opposition and a federal court temporarily blocked the funding freeze, OMB rescinded the memo. The administration still wants federal agencies to review their programs for compliance with the executive orders, but funding should continue during that process.

There are many unanswered questions surrounding how the executive orders will be implemented. The threat to continued federal housing and homeless services funding remains high, especially as Congress begins work on budget negotiations.

Now is the time to prepare. See if your program’s funding sources are on OMB’s spreadsheet of programs for review (If you’re not sure check your grant agreements.) Determine how many clients would be impacted if those funds get cut. Start thinking about identifying other sources of funding. The National Alliance to End Homelessness has excellent guidance that remains relevant even though the immediate crisis is over.