From IRS Legislative Affairs Division
Topic: Economic Impact Payments for the Homeless
Key Points: Here’s one where we need your help. Please share the following social media messages with taxpayers, local officials and agencies, and other stakeholders in your district and state as you deem appropriate.
Many homeless Americans who qualify to get an Economic Impact Payment can use an #IRS tool to sign up for it: #COVIDreliefIRS
Low-income Americans, including the homeless community, can use a free online tool to receive Economic Impact Payments. See: #COVIDreliefIRS
An #IRS tool allows those who receive very little income to quickly and easily sign up with #IRS for the Economic Impact Payment.
Many homeless Americans qualify for an Economic Impact Payment, even those who don’t work. If they normally don’t file taxes, the only way to get a payment is to sign up with #IRS. #COVIDreliefIRS
An #IRS online feature is designed for people with low incomes to sign up to get an Economic Impact Payment; homeless Americans are urged to use this free tool: #COVIDreliefIRS
Homeless individuals can qualify to get an Economic Impact Payment, even if they don’t work. But If they normally don’t file taxes, the only way to get a payment is to sign up with #IRS. #COVIDreliefIRS
Many homeless Americans qualify for an Economic Impact Payment. Those who don’t normally file taxes have a quick and easy process to sign up with #IRS to get a payment: #COVIDreliefIRS
Many Americans with no income still qualify to get an Economic Impact Payment. Use an #IRS tool to sign up for it:
Americans with very little income can use a free online tool to receive Economic Impact Payments. See: #COVIDreliefIRS
An #IRS tool allows those who receive very little income to quickly and easily sign up with #IRS for the Economic Impact Payment.
Many Americans qualify for an Economic Impact Payment, even those who don’t work. If they normally don’t file taxes, the only way to get a payment is to sign up with #IRS. #COVIDreliefIRS
An #IRS online feature is designed for people with low incomes to sign up for an Economic Impact Payment; Americans who don’t normally file taxes are urged to use this free tool: #COVIDreliefIRS
Many people may qualify to get an Economic Impact Payment, even if they’re not employed. But If they normally don’t file taxes, the only way to get a payment is to sign up with #IRS. #COVIDreliefIRS
Most Americans qualify for an Economic Impact Payment. Those who don’t normally file taxes have a quick and easy process to sign up with #IRS to get a payment: #COVIDreliefIRS
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