The Domestic Violence Homeless Management Information System Workgroup continues its efforts to improve coordination between domestic violence services agencies and housing providers with the development of a data collection protocols document and an assessment tool for use in coordinated entry to the homeless system.

The data collection protocols will provide guidance to homeless service providers on how best to collect, store and transmit data on survivors in a way that protects individuals from their abuser. The assessment tool will help victims service providers share the minimum amount of data necessary with the homeless system to adequately provide appropriate referrals to permanent housing interventions.

Despite the obvious connection between domestic violence and homelessness, victims service providers and homeless services agencies have not always worked well together.

Last year, Amanda Wilson, from COHHIO’s Homeless Management Information System team, convened the DV-HMIS Workgroup to bring together HMIS and VSP representatives from around the state to better serve their clients and address critical issues of domestic violence and homelessness.

For more information or to participate in the workgroup, email