COHHIO is excited to announce that we are organizing an Advocacy Day on Cap Square!

This Oct. 9 Advocacy Day is an opportunity to meet with members of the Ohio General Assembly to highlight all the amazing things you are doing to combat homelessness in your communities. This event is a way to politely demand the investments and evidence-based best practices needed to end homelessness once and for all.  COHHIO plans to set you up for a successful day at the Statehouse, where you will go in groups to visit your lawmakers.  Here are the goals:

  • Meet & Greet: Establish/build relationships with your elected officials
  • Educate: Teach legislators about housing insecurity in their districts, tell them about your hard work to end homelessness, and how the state can help
  • Advocate: Inspire them to support policies to further the mission of ending homelessness

The most effective ways to educate elected officials on the challenges and needs in our community is direct and personal advocacy. You have probably heard the saying, “politics are local,” so we need YOU to connect with your delegation at the Statehouse.  We can’t triumph in this advocacy space without you!

As we develop our public policy agenda for “lame duck session” this winter and for next year’s state budget cycle, we need YOU. Your  advocacy and partnership with this in-person Advocacy Day is critical. Advocates will participate in two virtual training sessions ahead of the big day.  Advocates will also receive an advocacy coaching toolkit. Finally, the day of the event we will make sure you have breakfast, lunch, a team leader, already scheduled meetings, and packets for your legislative visits. Please fill out the registration form for more details and so we can make all this happen!!!



  • Wednesday, September 18 at 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m (virtual ADVOCACY 101) What, Why, Where & How
  • Wednesday, October 2 at 11:00 a.mto 12:30 p.m (virtual ADVOCACY 201) Final Logistics/Prep for Visit
  • Wednesday, October 9th at 8:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. In-person ADVOCACY DAY at the Statehouse