SOAR Ohio Certification

Provider staff and community members can obtain free certification to complete SOAR Ohio-assisted SSI/SSDI applications with the following steps:

  1. Successfully complete the free SOAR Online Course for adult applicants. The course takes between 15-20 hours to complete and participants can work at their own pace. The course consists of 7 classes including articles, videos, and short quizzes, and allows participants to submit an SSI/SSDI application using SOAR methodology for a fictional applicant while receiving personalized feedback from the National SOAR Technical Assistance Center.
    • Course completion counts for 20 C.E.Us/continuing education hours from the National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
    • For individual support/assistance with completing the course, contact Erica Copley, SOAR Ohio Training & Technical Assistance Coordinator, via email at or by phone at (614) 280 – 1984 ext. 142
  2. Attend a SOAR Ohio Certification training session. Upon course completion, participants will receive an invitation for the next SOAR Ohio Certification training via email from Amanda Wilson ( These 2-3 hour virtual sessions are offered quarterly via Zoom. Participants will learn how to apply national SOAR methodology to working with Ohio’s local SSA Field Offices and Disability Determination Services, and will be added to the statewide list of approved, certified SOAR Ohio specialists distributed quarterly to SSA and DDS.
    • SOAR Ohio Certifications 2025: All meetings are virtual from 1pm – 4pm on Thursdays.
      • January 23rd 2025
      • April 24th 2025
      • July 31st 2025
      • October 30th 2025

Requirements for Maintaining SOAR Ohio Certification

SOAR Ohio Certification Requirements are enforced in order to create and maintain mutually beneficial relationships between SOAR Ohio and local Social Security Administration Field Offices, allowing for a highly efficient system of SSI/SSDI application processing.

SOAR Ohio Certified Providers are required to:

  • Be registered in the SOAR Online Application Tracking System (OAT)
  • Log at least 1 SSI/SSDI application in OAT per quarter (or reach out to SOAR State Lead Team at COHHIO quarterly to inform us you will not be submitting any applications that quarter)
  • Attend at least 1 SOAR state or national training/webinar each quarter

*We understand these requirements may not be possible for all participants, as SOAR Ohio-certified specialists work in diverse fields and positions. If the requirements cannot be met, please reach out to and accommodations will be made on an individual case-by-case basis. 

Participants will be removed from the statewide list of approved SOAR Ohio specialists, and lose direct access to the expedited Homeless Unit at Disability Determination Services/DDS,  if a communication is not made about inability to meet SOAR Ohio requirements after certification.

For Directors & Supervisors

SAMHSA: SOAR Hiring & Supervising Toolkit

How would this benefit my agency?

  • Staff will learn skills to complete quality SSI/SSDI applications that are approved upon initial submission, within an average of 90 days
  • Direct, secured email connection with local SSA Field Offices and the homeless-only adjudicating unit at DDS/Disability Determination Services: No waiting hours on the phone or at offices
  • Training, technical assistance and consistent support provided by COHHIO & SOAR Ohio local leads
  • Receive the most up-to-date information on changes in SSA procedures and best-practices,  before the general public