Reduce Your Agency’s Workers’ Comp Premium with a COHHIO/Sedgwick Group Rating Plan!

As a COHHIO member in good standing your organization is eligible to join our workers’ compensation group rating program.

Joining COHHIO’s group could reduce your premium by the maximum amount allowable by Ohio’s Bureau of Workers’ Compensation. COHHIO’s organizational members typically save thousands of dollars each year. And the more agencies that join the group, the more options and savings there will be for all of us.

Sedgwick, COHHIO’s third party administrator, manages the plan and is ready to help you determine if group rating makes sense for your agency. It only takes a moment to find out if your agency is eligible to join COHHIO’s workers’ comp programs. The evaluation is free and there is absolutely no obligation to join the group. To get started, contact:

David Deyo, Sedgwick Client Services Representative
Phone: 614-376-5401

More information: Group Rating Accountability Letter