Bill’s Year End Message
December 2020 No one will forget 2020. It was a year full of so much misery and chaos, but it’s ending on a positive note now that Congress just approved [...]
December 2020 No one will forget 2020. It was a year full of so much misery and chaos, but it’s ending on a positive note now that Congress just approved [...]
Preparing for COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution On December 14, 2020, the state of Ohio began administering the first COVID-19 vaccinations to health care workers. Ohio has indicated it will use a [...]
In their recent report Confronting Homelessness, the Ohio Housing Finance Agency found that the number of Ohioans experiencing homelessness each year 30.8 percent from 2012 to 2018, while the state's [...]
Important Information from Ohio's Medicaid Managed Care Plans: As Ohio continues to grapple with the COVID-19 crisis, we are working hard to ensure our most vulnerable citizens maintain reliable access to [...]
The DeWine Administration this week announced the Home Relief Grant program. Funded with $50 million from the federal Coronavirus Relief Fund, the program may offer assistance to Ohioans who are [...]
Help for Tenants Facing Eviction If you are facing eviction because you cannot pay the rent, you must take action in order to get protection under the CDC's eviction moratorium! [...]
Thank you to everyone who donated to the COHHIO Pandemic Emergency Fund! Together we raised over $1.9 million to support homeless shelters fighting to contain the spread of the coronavirus [...]
The Columbus Foundation’s Big Give results are in! COHHIO was one of 1,107 nonprofit organizations in Ohio that received donations during the 25-hour campaign. In all, people from 12 countries, [...]
President Trump’s new housing budget plan contains more goose eggs than the family farm. How much for the HUD-VASH program that houses homeless veterans? Zero. Capital funding for public housing [...]
We know that there is a connection between domestic violence and homelessness. Domestic violence can lead to homelessness and many homeless individuals have a history of domestic violence. In spite [...]