Report Recommends Housing Interventions To Reduce Infant Mortality

The Health Policy Institute of Ohio's recent report recommends lawmakers tackle housing insecurity, homelessness and other "social determinants" to help drive down the state's shamefully high rate of infant mortality, [...]

Report Recommends Housing Interventions To Reduce Infant Mortality2017-12-13T14:30:04-05:00

Homelessness In Ohio Decreases Again

HUD's 2017 Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress shows continuing progress in the fight to end homelessness in Ohio, despite an overall increase in the national numbers. According to the [...]

Homelessness In Ohio Decreases Again2017-12-07T22:59:54-05:00

COHHIO Resists Tenant Intimidation Bill

COHHIO led the charge this week against state legislation that could give unscrupulous landlords a new tool to intimidate tenants into paying for property damage that may not be their [...]

COHHIO Resists Tenant Intimidation Bill2017-11-30T11:17:51-05:00

Welcome Gina Wilt and Dillon McCrea

COHHIO is pleased to announce the hiring of Statehouse veteran Gina Wilt to lead the nonprofit organization’s advocacy program after the retirement of long-time Advocacy Director Cathy Johnston. Gina joins [...]

Welcome Gina Wilt and Dillon McCrea2017-11-20T13:56:06-05:00

Bill’s Thanksgiving Update on Washington

This Thanksgiving break will be a much-needed pause in the whirlwind of activity in Washington, where politicians have been working on legislation that could devastate our desperately needed affordable housing [...]

Bill’s Thanksgiving Update on Washington2017-11-19T22:07:42-05:00

Infant Mortality Demonstration Project

The Ohio Housing Finance Agency recently announced a pilot program to demonstrate the impact that targeted housing assistance can have on the infant mortality crisis. OHFA is making available up [...]

Infant Mortality Demonstration Project2017-08-15T15:29:10-04:00

Reform the Mortgage Interest Deduction

A new report by the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) shows how the federal mortgage interest deduction (MID) can be fixed to help lower income homeowners that really need [...]

Reform the Mortgage Interest Deduction2017-08-15T14:42:58-04:00

State Utility Regulators Rule for Tenants (Mostly)

The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio recently ruled that submetering companies can no longer charge tenants exorbitant prices for gas, electricity and water services. For many years the state has [...]

State Utility Regulators Rule for Tenants (Mostly)2017-08-24T16:50:58-04:00

Housing Trust Fund Update: Final Budget

The final bill that emerged from the budget conference committee this week does not include the Home Matters to Ohio coalition's proposal to expand the Ohio Housing Trust Fund. While [...]

Housing Trust Fund Update: Final Budget2017-06-28T12:28:45-04:00

Medicaid Expansion Key to Reduced Homelessness

Ohio’s move to expand Medicaid has been a critical factor in helping local efforts to prevent and reduce homelessness, according to a new report released today. The Coalition on Homelessness [...]

Medicaid Expansion Key to Reduced Homelessness2017-05-18T17:25:40-04:00
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